
Hi, my name is Chantal Adams, and I am the founder and health coach for Kinara Wellness. It is my passion to help women experience holistic health in their lives.

My areas of focus include how to thrive with chronic illness and nutrition coaching, but as a trained health coach, we can discuss any topics you wish.

“Living, Thriving, and Shining in the Fullness of Optimal Health” is the mission of Kinara Wellness because a life is well lived when we strive to be at our best. There are so many facets of our lives that are impacted by our health. Often, we are not aware of the importance of it until it is taken away from us. My goal is to help you experience the fullness of good health.

I use the word “shining” because the word kinara means candleholder in the Swahili language. Kinara Wellness exists to help women “shine their light” and feel their utmost.